Thursday, December 4, 2008

Small Groups, Outreach, Dolphins, and Making Your Voice Heard

Small Group Night...

Will be this coming Wednesday (Dec. 10th) here at the church at the regular youth group time (6:45-8:05). This focus of this evening will be--you guessed it--small groups. Lorie has some interesting things planned for the girls, which would be of no interest whatsoever to the guys, whom will encounter a different format.

After that will be 3DYC for those of you elite and highly spiritual people who chose to go this year (which will be the 28th-30th).

Speaking of small groups, in your expert opinions, as expert teenagers who have sat through many a small group, what are ways to make these more appealing not only to yourselves, but outsiders as well. I know it's awkward sometimes to talk about deeply personal things to people you don't immediately know very well. Heck most people don't like talking about important things to even their best friends. Thoughts on how to further break the ice and make this more natural aside from "We need to do more games in small groups" or "We just need time to talk and hang out" (Both of which are semi-regular functions of small groups anyway).

Another topic if that one isn't too fun for you...what about church teens who don't really like going to church, or specifically are not too fond of youth group. I know the common and dad always made me go and they can buzz off now because I don't want to, it's boring, my friends don't go there, I'd prefer just sit around, etc, etc. But what saith all of you regarding those whom we can't even get to give it a try. I'm somewhat OK with these excuses if they are actually valid...not if one is just making assumptions.

Maybe we are lame like most the rest. Or maybe we are doing some good things that shatter some of these expectations. How do we convince both the traditionally churched and unchurched to put those assumptions to the test?

Add your thoughts or you'll incur 11 years of bad luck and nobody will ever want to date or marry you.