Thursday, September 4, 2008

Become a Student Leader!!!

All those Senior High School aged students interested in joining the newly forming "Next Level" leadership group are encouraged to attend the first gathering Sunday night at Zach Smith's home. The purpose of this first session is to let students know what the purpose, vision, and goals are of the group as well as the expectations of all contributing students. This group will not just be a Bible study nor is it intended to be just something to do for those looking to fill their Sunday evenings. We are looking for committed, involved students who want to dig deeper into God's word, learn how to witness to and disciple their peers, grow and mature as individuals, and be true leaders in our youth group. Those interested in this new and exciting ministry who want more information should join us tonight at Zach's place at 5186 Lakeshore Rd, Fort Gratiot, MI 48059 at 6:00PM and be picked up promptly at 8:00PM.