Thursday, December 4, 2008

Small Groups, Outreach, Dolphins, and Making Your Voice Heard

Small Group Night...

Will be this coming Wednesday (Dec. 10th) here at the church at the regular youth group time (6:45-8:05). This focus of this evening will be--you guessed it--small groups. Lorie has some interesting things planned for the girls, which would be of no interest whatsoever to the guys, whom will encounter a different format.

After that will be 3DYC for those of you elite and highly spiritual people who chose to go this year (which will be the 28th-30th).

Speaking of small groups, in your expert opinions, as expert teenagers who have sat through many a small group, what are ways to make these more appealing not only to yourselves, but outsiders as well. I know it's awkward sometimes to talk about deeply personal things to people you don't immediately know very well. Heck most people don't like talking about important things to even their best friends. Thoughts on how to further break the ice and make this more natural aside from "We need to do more games in small groups" or "We just need time to talk and hang out" (Both of which are semi-regular functions of small groups anyway).

Another topic if that one isn't too fun for you...what about church teens who don't really like going to church, or specifically are not too fond of youth group. I know the common and dad always made me go and they can buzz off now because I don't want to, it's boring, my friends don't go there, I'd prefer just sit around, etc, etc. But what saith all of you regarding those whom we can't even get to give it a try. I'm somewhat OK with these excuses if they are actually valid...not if one is just making assumptions.

Maybe we are lame like most the rest. Or maybe we are doing some good things that shatter some of these expectations. How do we convince both the traditionally churched and unchurched to put those assumptions to the test?

Add your thoughts or you'll incur 11 years of bad luck and nobody will ever want to date or marry you.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Become a Student Leader!!!

All those Senior High School aged students interested in joining the newly forming "Next Level" leadership group are encouraged to attend the first gathering Sunday night at Zach Smith's home. The purpose of this first session is to let students know what the purpose, vision, and goals are of the group as well as the expectations of all contributing students. This group will not just be a Bible study nor is it intended to be just something to do for those looking to fill their Sunday evenings. We are looking for committed, involved students who want to dig deeper into God's word, learn how to witness to and disciple their peers, grow and mature as individuals, and be true leaders in our youth group. Those interested in this new and exciting ministry who want more information should join us tonight at Zach's place at 5186 Lakeshore Rd, Fort Gratiot, MI 48059 at 6:00PM and be picked up promptly at 8:00PM.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fall Youth Program About to Start!

Tonight is the Back to School Bash.

Next Wed. (Sept. 3) youth group will resume again normally in the chapel at the regular time, 6:45-8:00PM. I'd actually like to start on time this year :) There will be no bussing on the 3rd, but bussing will resume on the 10th. Spread the word.

The 10th will also be the day of the Fall Kickoff. So after we come together on the 3rd it will be a good time to spread the word for the following week. Let's start off with a bang. The kickoff itself will be a special event which should be a good time for all.

Our new theme for the coming school year is "Going to the Next Level." I pray that this will be a fun, but productive time of challenge that spurs in all of us spiritual, personal, and social growth.

Get ready!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

They Found Bigfoot? (Or,¨´Here´s an Update on Youth Ministry´´)

Greetings from a vastly overpriced Mexican internet cafe. Don´t worry, I haven´t forgotten about the blog. But Brown City Camp came and then this past week I´ve been out of the country on vacation. I haven´t really been online to post anything, but you can count on at least a post or two a week from here on out. Some of you have asked what´s up with Wednesday nights. Here´s the answer:

This coming Wednesday night is a church-wide Movie Night.

The following Wednesday night is a church-wide Back To School Bash.

Then finally the Wednesday night after that we will get back to our regular Senior High Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:00PM.

Yes, yes, I have missed them too, but for those of you who have participated, we´ve actually had a lot go on in the summer, though I´ll look forward to getting back to our regular format.

Watch soon for the unveiling of a theme for the coming year. I know you will all come back repeatedly, every ten or twenty minutes or so, in extreme anticipation just waiting to find out what it is.

Oh yeah, Bigfoot. So while I´ve been secluded from the outside world, a war has broken out between the Russians and Georgians (the former USSR Georgians, not the hillbilly ones to the south of us), Michael Phelps has won about 45 gold medals, and some guys claimed they discovered Bigfoot and it got the whole world speculating. But alas, it looks like Bigfoot still only exists in our imaginations (and in the imaginations of distant people´s and cultures over the ages who had no contact with each other--Hmmmmmmm......).

So my question is, do you have any sensational claims or discoveries that you´d like to share with us? Just like the Bigfoot guys, they don´t have to be true I guess, just interesting and fun.

Now excuse me while I go enjoy my final couple hours in the ocean. See you this coming week, assuming I get home safely.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Informal Get Together This Coming Wed. Night--Need to Make Announcement Video

OK, so here's the deal. I need to make a video that's going to be shown on a Sunday morning to help recruit sponsors. So this Wednesday, anyone who wants to show up, meet at the church at 6:45. I don't want to tap the youth fund much more this summer, so bring a few bucks each and we'll order pizza and pop, we'll make a 2 minute video (not everyone will be involved in it, but I want teens in it), and just have a real relaxed time of hanging out. Not a ton of structure, just relaxing, fun, and anything else I decide to add into the mix.

When: This Wed.
Where: The church, meet in the chapel.
Time: 6:45-8:00
What to bring: Bring five bucks each for pizza and pop.

See you there.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Give Me Your Fall Event Ideas

If you're reading this, give me some ideas of what YOU'D like to see happen as monthly special event ideas for the youth group. Keep in mind, I'm trying to control costs so be realistic yet fun in what you suggest. I have some ideas, but wanted to hear yours as well. If you're reading this, RESPOND and give me some feedback.


Big Double B

Monday, July 21, 2008

No Wed. Night Youth Group Tomorrow

Because of VBS. Things will be a bit more informal basically until the Fall kickoff. But I will let you know if something happens.

Speaking of all this, I've inherited the summer schedule stuff, and so did Pastor Dan. What do you guys think of slowing things down in the summer? Do you prefer it, or do you wish the regular Wed. evening program went all year uninterrupted?

Tell me ya'll think, yo.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"I Kissed a Girl" Singer Katy Perry Is Former Contemporary Christian Artist Sellout

Yep, that's right, the girl who sings the current #1 Billboard Hot 100 song (the most coveted prize on all the music charts) about "I kissed a girl and I liked it" with all it's goofy trendy bisexual lyrics, actually used to a Christian recording artist. In 2001 she released a Christian album on a Christian label. By 2004 she had went secular and now has a new anthem for people who think it's really cool to pretend to be gay. Says the new and improved Katy:

"I kissed a girl and I liked it/The taste of her cherry chapstick/I kissed a girl just to try it/I hope my boyfriend don't mind it/It felt so wrong, it felt so right."

This aggravates me for a number of reason. For one thing, I've long been tired of high school and college aged girls (and the guys who egg them on) who think they are being awesome and cool by exploring bisexuality when its all just a lame attention ploy. No, sorry, it's tacky and silly, and guys share a lot of blame for creating this double standard that makes lesbianism awesome while cracking jokes or bemoaning the wrongness of male homosexuality. Sin is sin, and this cultural glorification of female bisexuality is plain silly and tacky, especially considering that there are actual real people who struggle with this sort of thing and their struggle is cheapened by posers like this.

But the even more offensive part of this story is that its the example of another person who either (1) Lied about their faith from the beginning just to make money and/or (2) Turned away from their Christian faith in exchange for money, fame, and popularity with a huge load of trashiness thrown in the mix (some places online say that she never claimed to a Christian in the first place, and only wanted to do whatever to be famous. Whatever, only God knows the heart, but either way, it doesn't show much character).

Rather than being a positive role model to young people, Katy has chosen another path, one that only brings temporary glory in exchange for eternal riches. Pray for this girl, and check out what she used to sing about before she got rich selling out:

I've always said it--if you really want to be a rebel and go against the grain in this culture, then take a stand for Christ instead of wimping out to the crowd. Yet I'm going to bet that some reading this will probably be more offended by my "intolerance" and being "judgemental" than the very real selling out by Katy Hudson (aka Perry) to chase fame and stardom.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I Hate Going To the Dentist

The title says it all. I hate going to dentists. There's few things in life I enjoy less. A couple bad experiences have left real bad tastes in my mouth (lame pun totally intended). The feeling I have going to the dentist is the same one I have every time I take my car for an oil change or to an auto shop--I'm just waiting for them to tell me all kinds of things wrong that are going to cost me a lot of money. Only with the dentist add possible physical pain and nervousness. In fact, since I made my appointment Saturday I was really anxious (and this was just for a cleaning, mind you) and have been sense.
While I was in there I was shaking most the time. I was expecting the dentist to tell me all sorts of things wrong. It was because of this I put off the appointment for a year. Fortunately, I got a mostly clean bill of health--two tiny cavities that can be quickly and easily filled with hardly any drilling. Now I feel better, but the irrational fear of dentists remain. I literally have to say prayers to myself to get through these appointments.

So, how about some of you? What irrational fears do you have and any fun stories to back it up? Or am I the only one who still fears these sorts of things post-childhood?

Events Update
Also, by the way, nothing set in stone for Wed. nights until the regular fall program starts back up, but do come to the Car Cruise this Friday night. Also, if anyone wants to informally throw things together, I'm down with that. I may do the same so check the blog regularly. Also, be a good citizen and subscribe to this blog so you can read updates right after they are posted.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Huge Dramatic Event Tomorrow. Come to Pizza Mystery Event to See Live Performance of "The Enforcer"

Hopefully most of you are aware of the groundpounding event tomorrow being brought to you by the interns.

What: "Italian Pizza Mystery" featuring pizza, pop, an intense dramatic performance and game.

Where: Colonial Woods Missionary Church

When: Thursday July from 5:30PM-8:3oPM

Cost: $3 at the door

The interns have worked hard on this and are going to be decking the place out and bringing you a total restaurant experience. On top of that, a new critically acclaimed drama "The Enforcer" will be performed live for those lucky individuals who attend. The show stars Academy Award nominated actor Brenden Bell, renowned Broadway star Chelsea Henion, Academy Award winning best-supporting actor Jack D., Critics Choice Award winner Dan Hamrick, Tony award winner Josh Ake, and internationally acclaimed award winning writer and director Bill Barnwell.
It is a compelling movie about the shadowy underworld of the church and how the strongarm tactics of "The Enforcer" keep everyone in line. Come to see mystery, betrayel, love, and a thrilling and shocking story. This show is geared up to be the global box office phenomenon, in fact the producer of "Batman" have already pulled their film because they don't want to compete with ours.
See you there tomorrow.

P.S. The bribery contest below continues, and even bigger award to anyone who post their own 300 word or more "Dramatic Critical Review" after tomorrow's event.

P.P.S. So far about 30 different people have visited this blog and we have 65 hits, but only one person interacting with the comments. Join the fun and spread the word.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Blog Bribery

Today the blog goes public. Today (Saturday) is the first day I sent out any notifications on it so I had time to format things the way I wanted to at first. In any event, to get things off to a good start, I thought some good old fashioned bribery would be in order. It's not beneath me. So, if you're reading this, go back and read the previous post. The first (x) amount of people who respond (I'm not telling how many) with some interesting suggestions will get a prize. A cheesy one, but a prize nonetheless.

Happy blogging.

P.S. In case you're wondering, those are "Euros" being passed along above, and they actually are worth more than our dollars here in the United States. So this is pretty serious bribery we are talking.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Colonial Woods Vertical Senior High Ministry New Blog Birth

To all CW Senior High Youth, families, and anyone who'd find this site interesting,

I thought it would be nice if we had our own webpage to post pictures, give updates, and post anything else we felt like posting. To make this thing work, here is what is needed from you:

*Check the blog regularly for updates about events (dates, times, costs, etc), fun random writings, and to find out anything that's remotely important for you to know about our Senior High Youth Ministry. There's now no excuse for saying "I didn't know, I wasn't at church!" Because now you can just check the blog.

*Make a blogger account so you can post on here (for very interested persons who want to contribute, I might be bribed into giving you posting priviliges).

*Put this blog on your favorites list, tell all your friends about it connected to the church (and not connected to it), and let's make sure this blog isn't like 99% of all other blogs that become really lame fizzle out and die very quick.

*Send me your ideas for content you'd like to see included. And send me any cool videos, pictures, etc, that would be cool to post.

That's all for now.
Big Double B