Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Give Me Your Fall Event Ideas

If you're reading this, give me some ideas of what YOU'D like to see happen as monthly special event ideas for the youth group. Keep in mind, I'm trying to control costs so be realistic yet fun in what you suggest. I have some ideas, but wanted to hear yours as well. If you're reading this, RESPOND and give me some feedback.


Big Double B


Melissa-this-is-real said...

Well maybe we should do Dogeball again...or even capture the flag...or Bigger and better!! that game is a blast!!

VerticalCW said...

Yup already planning for another dodgeball :)

Melissa-this-is-real said...

How about Bigger and Better???

Unknown said...

yeah bigger or better or capture the flag

VerticalCW said...

What is Bigger and Better? Is it something that appeals to older high schoolers?

Melissa-this-is-real said...

yes....its alot of fun for all ages but best to play with older kids who are mature!....well what you do is you get groups and well that group gets something small like a paper clip and they then go from house to house asking if they would trade that small object for something bigger or better (like if I had a paper cilp I would ask the people if they would trade it for something bigger or better and they would give you something like a candle) *note if we do play this have the group tell the people why they are play like we are playing a game with CWMC youth and could you particapate* and they keep tradeing till the time is up and at the end the person with the biggest and/or best thing wins!

This gams is acctuly fun I play it all the time with the rec kids! and my friends around here or we could play Road Rally???

Anonymous said...

dodgeball is deffinantly very appealing to our highschoolers.
let's do that.

-joey james.

New Creation said...

Just an idea... what about a youth service project? Something to remind us that this life isn't all just about us. It'll give the youth a chance to shine with Jesus' light and see that they can make a difference in lives. Don't know what to do or where, but it's a starting idea.

Michele said...

A youth service project is awesome. I've thought we should be doing that for a while now.

As far as events - I think they ALL sound like great ideas. Another idea is a hayride. I know where we can go and they won't charge us for it. They can also play volleyball and capture the flag there.

Melissa-this-is-real said...

Yea Michele thats a great idea...the hay ride and capture the flag...sounds fun!

Kelly Beaner. said...

I'm loving the Bigger and Better and capture the flag ideas. :D
What about going to a lasertag place?