Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fall Youth Program About to Start!

Tonight is the Back to School Bash.

Next Wed. (Sept. 3) youth group will resume again normally in the chapel at the regular time, 6:45-8:00PM. I'd actually like to start on time this year :) There will be no bussing on the 3rd, but bussing will resume on the 10th. Spread the word.

The 10th will also be the day of the Fall Kickoff. So after we come together on the 3rd it will be a good time to spread the word for the following week. Let's start off with a bang. The kickoff itself will be a special event which should be a good time for all.

Our new theme for the coming school year is "Going to the Next Level." I pray that this will be a fun, but productive time of challenge that spurs in all of us spiritual, personal, and social growth.

Get ready!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

They Found Bigfoot? (Or,¨´Here´s an Update on Youth Ministry´´)

Greetings from a vastly overpriced Mexican internet cafe. Don´t worry, I haven´t forgotten about the blog. But Brown City Camp came and then this past week I´ve been out of the country on vacation. I haven´t really been online to post anything, but you can count on at least a post or two a week from here on out. Some of you have asked what´s up with Wednesday nights. Here´s the answer:

This coming Wednesday night is a church-wide Movie Night.

The following Wednesday night is a church-wide Back To School Bash.

Then finally the Wednesday night after that we will get back to our regular Senior High Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:00PM.

Yes, yes, I have missed them too, but for those of you who have participated, we´ve actually had a lot go on in the summer, though I´ll look forward to getting back to our regular format.

Watch soon for the unveiling of a theme for the coming year. I know you will all come back repeatedly, every ten or twenty minutes or so, in extreme anticipation just waiting to find out what it is.

Oh yeah, Bigfoot. So while I´ve been secluded from the outside world, a war has broken out between the Russians and Georgians (the former USSR Georgians, not the hillbilly ones to the south of us), Michael Phelps has won about 45 gold medals, and some guys claimed they discovered Bigfoot and it got the whole world speculating. But alas, it looks like Bigfoot still only exists in our imaginations (and in the imaginations of distant people´s and cultures over the ages who had no contact with each other--Hmmmmmmm......).

So my question is, do you have any sensational claims or discoveries that you´d like to share with us? Just like the Bigfoot guys, they don´t have to be true I guess, just interesting and fun.

Now excuse me while I go enjoy my final couple hours in the ocean. See you this coming week, assuming I get home safely.