Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Colonial Woods Vertical Senior High Ministry New Blog Birth

To all CW Senior High Youth, families, and anyone who'd find this site interesting,

I thought it would be nice if we had our own webpage to post pictures, give updates, and post anything else we felt like posting. To make this thing work, here is what is needed from you:

*Check the blog regularly for updates about events (dates, times, costs, etc), fun random writings, and to find out anything that's remotely important for you to know about our Senior High Youth Ministry. There's now no excuse for saying "I didn't know, I wasn't at church!" Because now you can just check the blog.

*Make a blogger account so you can post on here (for very interested persons who want to contribute, I might be bribed into giving you posting priviliges).

*Put this blog on your favorites list, tell all your friends about it connected to the church (and not connected to it), and let's make sure this blog isn't like 99% of all other blogs that become really lame fizzle out and die very quick.

*Send me your ideas for content you'd like to see included. And send me any cool videos, pictures, etc, that would be cool to post.

That's all for now.
Big Double B


Melissa-this-is-real said...

Hey I want my reginition!!...that photo was taken from me!!!! :D
hahaha I have my own blog cuz I'm just that cool!


VerticalCW said...

Yes, it's true, this photo was swiped from Melissa's Facebook account.

Photo robbery may be a regular occurence if ya'll are taking good pictures of youth ministry stuff.

Melissa-this-is-real said...

I was Just kidding ya know?? let me know when your going to take them but otherwise help yourself!!

Unknown said...

You were going to actually keep this thing up to date WHAT'S UP WITH THE DOLPHINS THAT WAS AGES AGO don't get me wrong I thought that was a good story but you should start working on the blog