Saturday, July 26, 2008

Informal Get Together This Coming Wed. Night--Need to Make Announcement Video

OK, so here's the deal. I need to make a video that's going to be shown on a Sunday morning to help recruit sponsors. So this Wednesday, anyone who wants to show up, meet at the church at 6:45. I don't want to tap the youth fund much more this summer, so bring a few bucks each and we'll order pizza and pop, we'll make a 2 minute video (not everyone will be involved in it, but I want teens in it), and just have a real relaxed time of hanging out. Not a ton of structure, just relaxing, fun, and anything else I decide to add into the mix.

When: This Wed.
Where: The church, meet in the chapel.
Time: 6:45-8:00
What to bring: Bring five bucks each for pizza and pop.

See you there.


Anonymous said...

Haha. I'm there. :]


Melissa-this-is-real said...

I am In!! sounds like fun!

Dean B. said...

Might I recommend talking with some of the sponsors on camera about why they volunteer as a youth sponsor - How did you first get involved, what keeps you coming back, what do you enjoy the most about it?

People today need a reason to get involved in something that will take time away from their families and other committments. The opportunity to make a difference in the lives of kids is typically pretty huge for youth sponsors.

Just some thoughts, Dean